The Other Side of the Marsh

Went for a nice bike ride to find more areas of the marsh I haven’t seen. Started the afternoon on the Winthrop side, and ended at the Orient Heights Nook. Had some good lighting in the mid afternoon as the sun sets earlier and earlier these days.

A fairly large group of Great Blues and Great Herons.
They all took flight heading to the opposite side of the marsh.
Landing fairly far away.
Saw this little guy zooming on by. My very first Belted Kingfisher.
While small; roughly 13 inches they are stocky, large-headed birds.
Off he goes, looking for some fish.
The much larger Osprey, can grow up to 2 feet in length.
Enjoying the last bit of sun for the day.
A female Norther Harrier. Haven’t seen you in awhile.
Lots of cover to stay hidden if needed.
Resting on just one leg.

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