With no leaves currently on the trees it’s a lot easier to spot the little birds. The temperature has been extreme and fluctuating so far this winter from below zero to almost 60. Today was a reasonable day weatherwise where I could stay out longer and get some nice shots.

Female Cardinal, look at that bright beak.
Showing off her mohawk.
No more picture’s please.
Male Downy up high on the birch tree.
Looking for bugs.
Male Cardinal has now made an appearance.
They are so quick as they hop around the branches.
Downy all puffed out.
Zoom…. there he goes.
Cute little White Throated Sparrow.
I love the little bit of yellow on their faces.
Tiny strong feet holding onto that branch.
A few Goldfinches enjoying the feeder.
The Downy now enjoying some suet. A lot easier I’m sure than digging for bugs.

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